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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound that comes from the hemp plant. It is one of over 85 unique compounds found in hemp, known as cannabinoids. While its exact benefits and effects are still being researched, it is interesting to note that the United States Department of Health and Human Services holds a patent titled ‘Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants’, which claims that:
“Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.”
Cannabinoids, which can be either consumed (Phyto cannabinoids) or produced naturally by the body (endocannabinoid), are chemical compounds that interact with the body’s central regulatory system (the endocannabinoid system). This system is known to manage homeostasis and affect bodily processes such as appetite, mood, and sleep.
CBD is an example of a Phyto cannabinoid. Although our bodies can naturally produce its own endocannabinoids that bind to cannabinoid receptors in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, Phyto cannabinoids help to kickstart our central regulatory system and provide powerful benefits.
CBD is extracted and separated from specific varieties of cannabis. It is the second most abundant compound in cannabis, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts. CBD is a compound that can be found in both psychoactive cannabis (marijuana) and non-psychoactive cannabis (hemp). However, most legal CBD products that you find on the market will be extracts from hemp.
In contrast to marijuana, federal law allows for the cultivation, processing and marketing of hemp and hemp products, which would include cannabinoids derived from industrial hemp. Passed by USA Congress and signed into law by the President in 2014, the Farm Bill permits the growth and cultivation of industrial hemp in states where hemp is legal to grow. (Section 7606 of the USA Agricultural Act of 2014)
Our body’s endocannabinoid system was found to be directly involved in the processes that keep our bodies balanced day to day, including: appetite, pain-sensation, mood, memory, immune system functions, and inflammation control. Essentially, the system helps to manage homeostasis, balancing our body’s natural conditions. This system is made up of receptors that are located in the brain and nervous systems throughout the body.
The body creates its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, to help support this regulatory system. CBD supplements these naturally created endocannabinoids to keep the receptors working at optimal capacity. Similar to how we use vitamin C to kick start our immune system, CBD acts as a kick-starter to help the functions of the body’s central regulatory system.
CBD often gets mixed up with THC, which is another cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD and THC are the two most abundant compounds found in cannabis. Yet, they have fundamentally different properties and benefits.
THC, an intoxicating and illegal substance, is responsible for causing marijuana users to get “high.” Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a high. CBD is non-psychoactive because it does not act on the same pathways as THC. A 2011 review published in Current Drug Safety concludes that CBD “does not interfere with several psychomotor and psychological functions.”
While CBD can be completely separated from THC and CBD cannot get you “high,” there is still a lot of stigmas as many people tend to mistake the two compounds. Just know this:
It is impossible to get “high” by smoking or ingesting CBD extracted from industrial hemp plants, as they only have minuscule traces of THC (<0.3%).
It should be but CBD is NOT legal everywhere in the world. This is why we are so passionate about educating the public, medical community and governments about Medical Cannabis and CBD Oil.
Please check your National, Regional and Local laws. We are at your service to assist in educating and helping write policies from a local and national level.
In the USA and most of the European Nations, it is legal. CBD oil made from industrial hemp plants are legal to be sold and bought in the United States. In 2014, Congress and President Obama signed into law the Agricultural Act of 2014 (also known as the “Farm Bill”). Under Section 7606, federal law does allow for the cultivation, processing, and marketing of hemp and hemp products, which would include cannabinoids derived from industrial hemp.
Under U.S. federal law, industrial hemp products (containing less than 0.3% THC) can be commercially shipped to all 50 states.
Nature of the customer demographic: sick patients, their friends, and family.
• Businesses still have to import most of their CBD oil from other countries.
• Regulations and quality control behind the production are very grey.
• It is easy for companies to mislead clients with their labeling.
Hemp products sold in grocery and health food stores are most often created using hemp seed oil, which can contain only trace amounts of CBD. While it has been noted that hemp seed oil can be a great source of nutrition, its marginal quantity of CBD per weight makes it unfeasible as a CBD supplement.
Our CBD hemp oil, however, is extracted from the flower of specifically selected hemp genetics grown in Southern Minnesota, offering higher percentages of CBD by weight and additional nutritional benefits from the contents of our oil.
• We recommend that you do your own research. We are not Dr’s and can only relay the information we have learned through growing, researching, trying, and listening.
1. Always request third party lab results
Customers should always request third party lab results that test for potency, pesticides, residual solvents, and mycotoxins of the CBD hemp oil. If a company is reluctant to share these results with you, it should automatically be a red flag and indicate that they have something to hide.
2. Pay attention to product labeling. What is the dosage of the actual active CBD?
Pay particular attention to product labeling. Is the dosage (mg) listed on the bottle the actual active CBD in that product? Or is it the dosage (mg) of the CBD hemp oil? These are two clearly different measurements that could make a strong difference in the potency of the product.
3. Ask for advice
Don’t be shy to ask for expert advice when you’re buying CBD oil products. The CBD oil market is young and immature, where the regulations and quality control practices are still subpar at best. Don’t just trust a product because it’s a “known brand” (we’ve found many reports of bigger CBD brands having dubious quality control). You can even reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns while shopping for CBD oil.
We highly recommend that you do your own research on CBD and hemp CBD oil with reputable clinical publications before deciding which product and concentration to buy.
Hemp Seed Oil is derived from the hemp seeds and are mainly used for dietary purposes (imagine something similar to coconut oil). Refined hemp seed oil can also be used in beauty care products, as they have amazing skin care properties. CBD Hemp oil is not the same thing as hemp seed oil, as it is extracted from one of hemp’s many cannabinoids and have fundamentally different properties.
The main difference between marijuana CBD and hemp CBD is the differences in levels of THC the oil contains. Marijuana CBD oil typically contains a high level of THC along with CBD, which means that it is psychoactive. Hemp CBD, on the other hand, has a high level of CBD with a minimal amount of THC (<0.3%).
Yes, there are CBD oil brands that offer pet tinctures, which has been known to help with animals that suffer from anxiety. Again, we advise that you do your own research on CBD before trying it out.
The CBD Centers Of Sioux Falls
5005 South Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108, United States